The Philippines is an amazing place
The Philippines is an amazing place because of the people here. I'm constantly blown away by the work ethic of the young professionals in this country. And that's a really powerful thing. And that has driven an economy that's growing at a phenomenal rate. On top of that, we have all of these challenges like inefficiencies in really big things and really small things and those are all opportunities for these enterprising people to make a difference in the country. And you know, these people are working by and large, in small businesses that are struggling to get by. It's super powerful if we can help that huge group of companies, of people, who are the ones responsible for pushing this country forward at the amazing rate that it is moving forward. If you're a small business in the Philippines, one of the biggest things that we see that small businesses can kind of do a little bit more of, is leveraging the network and participating in the network that is here.
Connecting with other small businesses because that becomes an incredibly powerful effect and that can help you guys, small businesses, overcome challenges that you know, we can't really address directly. Here we are, we have Sprout, we have this amazing product backed by amazing people and coming from my experience and looking at the country, you know, the Philippines is built by hardworking, enterprising young people who are out to make the country a better place.
And Sprout wants to be a part of that. So, this year, in 2019, we took our first major step in that direction. And we're actually offering Sprout Payroll for small businesses for free. And that's an awesome thing and I'm super, super excited about it. Because I want Sprout Payroll to be one of the things that small businesses rely on as a solution to a major problem. And something that doesn't cost them anything to use. And so, that's the underlying trust of Sprout Payroll. We want to make a big difference on this country and small businesses are the ones to do that. So we want to support small businesses.